I am having a difficult day, an hour, a moment… then again I have had what felt like hard months and years. Something I have learned through an odyssey of research (Stoicism, philosophy, religion, straight hard practical science) and one and one mentors is how to succeed forward. Here is how I have found success Continue Reading
How you accomplish your goals, begins in the mind
Positive messages to position you for success What are you trying to accomplish? How do others achieve such success and achievement of their goals? Mindset – and it begins with this fundamental skill. Want to know how to write a book? May be you are trying to open a hospital in Rwanda? Bring awareness to Continue Reading
How to Start … A flood of resumes, how to get past the first cut
To date I have interviewed and help influence the hiring of hundreds of people. This is across my 20+ years of professional experience. Before that I was “hiring” friends and associates for work that I had pre-sold. These days I still help a lot of folks get hired, but also had a recent experience that Continue Reading
How to create content
Amazing how hard it is to put down one’s own thoughts and ideas. Something you know so naturally and share generously in person, can be a seeming impossibility to write out. I find myself in those moments often and struggled with this through all my writings. Frankly, after four books and 400 posts .. I still Continue Reading
Thinking is the devil
…when lack of action is the end result. You have many options to take – daily. For the most part we think of an action and take it. Some are easier than others – should I dunk this chip in the salsa, yes, dunk, done. Some not so easy, should I tell that person hello Continue Reading
How to take action, on bad habits
How many of us have habits we wish to break? Those may be a hesitation to make that call to the girl, potential new prospect, or to change a life canceling habit. Here is a proven and rapid way to radically enhance your life, step by step. Life canceling .. ahh yes I made that Continue Reading