When I overcame my procrastinations I was able to: publish 4 books, speak to 1,000 of people on my passions, stop big failings in products (courage to stop action), build a fitness community of passionates, and demonstrate gratitude with my daughter. When procrastination won … I lost out on several deep and personal relationships (maybe), left Continue Reading
Quality and Value above all else
A short but vital message to all hesitating and stuck in their ambitions… Sometimes we act and it isn’t perfect. Then we learn and improve. As much a reminder for me, as advice for you, appreciate we all fell when we first tried to walk – so don’t judge on the quality of production but Continue Reading
How to scale your content across social media
Find your center, your passion, and or that which you do. You could be a cybersecurity expert, a fitness expert, someone who likes cutting these in two, or a naturally engaging person who conducts random interviews daily. What each of these example have is it is your true north. Your default behavior. Embrace that! Too Continue Reading
If nobody knows… it didn’t matter
Say you did all this work .. and then you made it available to the world. What do you think happens? Nothing. Sorry .. nothing. Your work was for you and nobody else. Instead… what if you made something of value that helps people that need this information, and then over communicated it? Well .. Continue Reading
Desire vs Need
Content may be king, but is it wise to write Moby Dick if it is already written? What about creating a training course where someone has already written one? This is an area I vacillate on often these days. The strong desire to give information that I have learned is intoxicating. Not the creating part Continue Reading
“Secret” to great experiences – get to basics
I think too often we try to be fancy. We try to be … we try to create experiences that are just big and grand these things, and we forget that sometimes the most simple experiences, and the most elemental raw kind of basic things can be amazing. And so I wanna suggest to you Continue Reading