I am investing and putting my challenges and ambitions forward in the belief that it will inspire others, show we are all working hard to have a positive impact in the world, and ideally (God willing) create discussions and generate ideas that help these pursuits succeed. Here are the core areas I am working with Continue Reading
Being creative and productive — solo and teamwork
How I perform better with and without you I struggle to do work alone in a vacuum without peers and a team. In fact, I find when I do work together with someone else we do far better and faster work. This has proven itself to me as an athletic coach and for a mentor to Continue Reading
Stress — How to be self aware and adjust like a champion
We chase our dreams so hard and never want to fail for our friends and teammates. All our passions, life events, encounters we have in person, electronic notifications, physical training, and even the speed at how we live is stress. Stress ebbs and flows, and individually they provide our bodies and minds with the stimulus Continue Reading
How to break procrastination and hesitation for everything from making a podcast, dating, and beginning that new hobby / career
When I look at my big hairy audacious goals (BHAG) they are daunting, exciting, and require dozens, hundreds, and in some cases thousands of hours to achieve. Often I find myself rewriting the same goal — “Start writing” “Start podcast”, “Ask her out”, and others … A trend that I saw centered on the beginning not beginning, as Continue Reading
How to manage your day to achieve happiness and success
Tips and tricks from an author, father, and creator One of the most popular questions I get from clients and others centers around, ‘How do you get so much done?’ As I hear that question, I reflect on my habits and days to see just what I am doing different than others. We all have Continue Reading
Key to building great culture and high performing teams — Gratitude
If you want to have a high performing team, run a great non-profit, have a healthy relationship, or simply feel good inside … you must see this truth. The truth is people need to feel their work matters, that it is appreciated, and that you care that they were the ones who did it. This is Continue Reading
What every CEO needs to understand to build products leveraging the cloud –
4 most important truths that impact culture, policy, risk, and success There are several key strategic activities and habits that businesses that want to succeed deploying technology on the Cloud, like you, must adopt. I base this from my reference point of having worked to scale up, build out, help secure, attest, certify, review, architect amazing Continue Reading
What to do – to make the best relationship with your partners
Currently I work with a huge scale of vendors across the globe for various products — industrial, pure cloud software, and everything in between. The growth that I can achieve from building a better solution for my customers with these vendors (partners if you will) far exceeds what I can do without them. As such, I and Continue Reading
If you just graduated or are starting your career, you must know this truth
You have only just begun… You have heard this your whole life and I know you are chomping at the bit (is that still an expression) to experience life on your own terms. To apply your work ethic to your dreams and apply your craft in a profession that you have been chasing for what Continue Reading
How to keep your fitness, even with an injury or crazy life event!
The key to fitness and long term health is to be consistent with your training; follow smart workouts that fit your age, goals, home life, and equipment; and ultimately, to practice a balance that respects your mental state. Unfortunately, you can do everything right — make goals, get your training in, and then life brings joy, distraction, Continue Reading