Sharing is a net positive for you, your business, and the community — is your ego holding you back?
So often we hear people refer to online posts as self-serving, PRing (public relation versions of our best self), and worse. It is true that online we do post, generally, the good and great online. We WANT people to see that our hard work is delivering results, and that we were right. There are also those who share the journey, the challenge, the loss, and growth (these appear to track higher in engagement by the way). There is more here than dog pictures and abs .. more for your brand, more for your community, and more to be had for yourself.
What if you looked at what you post as sharing your insights, knowledge, and lessons. Certainly we’ll share pictures of beaches and beautiful vistas, but what about what you know. What about what you experienced — joy, sadness, and beyond?
Share what you know, so others can know too.
Sharing in a business context:
- One team
- Allows for confidentiality to be sustained
- Builds a culture
- Allows your team to build on top of experiences and accelerate skillsets
Sharing outside the walled gardens (on social media)
- Non-business sensitive lessons and data
- Nothing that puts you, family, or friends at risk
- Lessons, life lessons, business lessons, ALL THE LESSONS
How can you give the most value online?
To often companies, teams, and individuals are not delivering or seeing the performance results in their online content. The value of online content begins with branding and extends to your ambitions. Given there are 6 billion people on social media, and spend 4+ hours a day on these devices. It is safe to say that whatever your ambitions and impact, your audience can be reached through these platforms.
It is really now a matter of strategy, execution, patience, and engagement. Each of these are required — the most important is the execution, creative that gives value and is engaging for the customer.
One on one on one … and that is possible today like never before.
Attributes for creating an engaged audience:
- Be vulnerable — tell the whole story … we love stories as humans
- Share the journey — cradle to grave
- Share what you think OTHERS will benefit from .. mindful of audience
What should you post / share for your brand?
- What are your ambitions?
- What are your priorities?
- Any rules of the land to be mindful around?
Examples (choose your own path):
- Ambitions = win clients; win new recruits; create a proof to clients; sell more; open in new markets
- Priorities = Improve culture; double sales; Bring health and quality life
Let’s think bigger than classic social media and pictures of food. We are finally at a period in time when the world at large can individually share their unique knowledge and give it at scale to the world. When you view these environments and platforms with this lens, suddenly the posting and stories have more potential. Some will certainly use it for comedy, beauty, boasting, and more. Truthfully that is great! Share what you love and are passionate on.
That is the unlock to giving and gaining in the world for you and your brand, let’s go!