James is a sought after speaker and enjoys sharing current ideas and insights across technology, product innovation, cybersecurity, and bringing purpose and impact to your organization.
James specializes in auditing his audiences and developing customer insights and messages – where every presentation is unique and driven directly against your goals and ambitions. This talent has been developed over two decades of speaking and writing.
Make today matter
James DeLuccia
If your conference, leadership development, or institution is looking for personal insights, please contact us directly with details.
5,000+ professionals have been trained and developed by James globally
1,000+ published articles on mindfulness, technology, leadership, and more
4 Published books3 Patents in technology
100s of public speeches and private senior executive (board level)
James most recently spoke at the largest cybersecurity conference in the world on a new framework for approaching technology spend at Fortune 500 companies impacting cloud and product development.
Recent topics James has spoken on
- James was a guest speaker at local high schools recently on social branding, online safety, and how to move into the cybersecurity workforce.
- James presented to the senior leadership and sales teams of a successful Georgia business on impact, technology disruption, and framing for culture around mindset
- more can be found online and through direct inquir